Saturday, February 25, 2012

IF: Capable

I missed last week's IF topic due to an insanely busy work week. Grading, planning, painting with EVERY class...delightful, but exhausting. (The grading wasn't delightful.) Sometimes I feel a bit like these acrobatic chickens of mine. Let's hope I'm as capable as they are.
The Warren hen is a unique breed capable of daring feats of balance and agility.


  1. Haha, this is great! I love the chair and the plate and things for added difficulty. Oh, and a juggler! Really great, love the little chickens and their awesome outfits.

  2. Great solution to "Capable!" Very fun style.

  3. Excellent talented capable chickens! Nicely done!

  4. Thanks everyone! I must say, I giggled quite a bit while drawing these chickens. :)
